Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Day2: 3rd March, 2014, Idea Generation Competition

Jaipuria Institute of Management, Jaipur
Entrepreneurship Week (Abhyudaya 2014) –Youth Festival
2-7 March, 2014
Theme: Innovating for India

Day2: 3rd March, 2014

Idea Generation Competition

With all the colours and paints there was brought forward a new activity which required brainstorming with creativity, give your idea an expression in material form bring the fiction to reality for others to appreciate was what theme of our entrepreneurial week next activity, “idea generation”. Chart papers were taken out and minds were put on to work and the creative wheels turned and churned ideas pool. Although the events took a tiring toll one after another on the participants but were not able, lull the students away the enthusiasm. The winning Vishal opted to draw out the theme golden waste, using waste to earn and provide for unemployed segment. Organic waste to be separated from the electric waste, and then to be recycled later, and used as the whims of the entrepreneur. The other winner Lavesh on the other hand brought forward the distress faced by the middle segment population while in purchase of clothes. Development along with earning, empowering women, and producing in bulk with quality, and national distribution removing the barrier of intermediaries. Both the winners truly found an innovative way to resolve the problem

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